Start Surfing: Beginner Tips to Get You in the Water
It’s hard to put into words just how special and amazing surfing is. The first time you stand up and ride a wave, you begin to understand why so many people choose to do it as often as they can. Unlike other sports and hobbies, surfing is a hard skill to master and can be very humbling and challenging.
We’ve put together some tips here on how best to start out your surfing journey. Remember to stay safe, have fun, and be patient.

1. Know how to swim
Before you even think about riding waves, make sure you’re comfortable in the water. Strong swimming skills are essential for staying safe in the ocean. Practice swimming in different conditions to build confidence and stamina, as surfing requires plenty of both.
2. Take a Lesson
The best way to start surfing is to take a lesson with a qualified instructor. They’ll teach you the foundational basics, like paddling, popping up, and staying safe in the water, while also helping you understand ocean conditions and surfing etiquette. Many experienced surfers recommend lessons as a first step to learning about the environment and building confidence. A good instructor can inspire you and make your first surfing experience fun and rewarding. Whether you choose a group or private lesson, it’s an investment in both safety and skill development.

3. Choose the right equipment
When you first start, you’re going to need a fair bit of equipment, the good news is that you can rent almost all of this or purchase it used from sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. We really don’t recommend going out and buying brand new equipment until you’ve been out a few times.
Using the right gear can make or break your first surfing experience. Start with:
• A Foam Surfboard: Forget how the board looks, you want to start on a foamie. Chances are you’re not going to make your first wave and the board will go flying. A foam board is going to help to protect you and other surfers!
• A Wetsuit: Depending on the water temperature, a wetsuit will keep you warm and comfortable. If you need one you can hopefully rent this from where you rent the board. Typically this is one of the first items that you’ll buy (if you need one) as you get in to surfing.
• Leash: This should come with the board that you rent (or the first one you buy hopefully) It’s what you need to attach the board to your ankle. You may see some advanced long board surfers without a leash, but please make sure you wear one. You really do need it for safety!
4. Know Where to paddle Out
When you first start surfing you want to try and catch waves in the white water. This is the foam like substance you see after a wave has broken. The idea is that you’ll use the force of the white water to propel your board forward and then pop up and ride the board.
When starting out, don’t paddle out where all the surfers are grouped together. You’re going to get in their way and this can be dangerous. Instead go further down the coast to a spot where there’s less/no people. If you see other people in the white ware on foam boards this could be a good spot too.
If you’re not sure, then just ask. Yes it can seem intimidating, but ask at a surf shop or at a board rental place where the best place fora beginner would be. Remember we all have to start somewhere.

Get In Touch!
Have questions or need help? Reach out today and let’s ride the waves together!